Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Women of Christmas

Since this is a young women's fellowship,  I thought is appropriate to take a look at the women who took part in the events of the birth of Christ.  There were 3 women: Mary, the chosen mother of Jesus, Elizabeth, her older cousin and mother of John the Baptist and Anna, a widow who spent her life serving in the temple.
Let's look at each of these women in the chronology of the biblical text. Elizabeth was a devout woman, wife of the priest, Zechariah, now advanced in years and childless.  Culturally in those days, barrenness was a reproach and it meant that God may be judging you.  However, both Elizabeth and Zechariah were righteous in God's eyes and the Lord was using these circumstances to do something wonderful in their lives.  How many times do we see negative circumstances in our lives and feel a reproach rather than pray for God to do something miraculous?  So the angel of the Lord visits Zechariah while he is serving in the temple.  The angel tells him that Elizabeth will have a son and he doesn't believe him so his powers of speech are taken from him.  Elizabeth does become pregnant.  Her reproach is gone and she glorifies God.  Obediently, she names the child John.  Zechariah , now humbled, signals his agreement and he regains his speech and now glorifies God in a beautiful prophetic song.

While Elizabeth was in her six month, her cousin, a young girl of about 15 years old, Mary, also receives a visitation from the angel Gabriel.  She is chosen to be the mother of the Messiah.  She asks questions about how this could be but her questions were not like Zechariah's.  Zechariah didn't believe the words of the angel, while Mary did.  (I want to also venture an opinion here.  Zechariah was a priest, a religious leader and rabbi.   His knowledge should have led him to the miraculous that is revealed in the scriptures but it didn't.  He reasoned only in the natural not the supernatural and he should have known better.  God struck him dumb because of a religious spirit that needed to be reproved.  Mary, on the other hand was a young, uneducated girl and her question was viewed as innocent, since she was chosen because of her devout heart before the Lord.  Her response proved out her heart:  Be it unto to me accordingly to your Word!)
When Mary and Elizabeth met each other, they gave glory to God for what was happening to both of them.  The contrast of circumstances is interesting to me.  Elizabeth was married and barren and now everyone rejoices with her for the impending birth of her baby, which is a miracle.  Mary, on the other hand, is betrothed but still a virgin and her future husband knows he is not the father of her child and so her life must have been filled with ridicule and innuendo and filled with reproach from her community.  No one understood the scripture in Isaiah and so the rejection of the Messiah by his own people begins with Mary's condition.  Only a very few people see the supernatural hand of God in this event.   Elizabeth declares that she and Mary are blessed for believing the Lord's promises and then Mary declares a prophetic song and speaks into the generations of the glory of the Messiah.  The power of the Holy Spirit comes upon this simple, uneducated vessel of honor and elevates her understanding into the future generations!!

There's one more woman I want to look at as significant to circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus.  That's Anna.  Only 4 sentences were recorded about Anna in the entire New Testament.  She spent her entire widowhood of over 60 years, serving in the temple and worshipping and praying and fasting night and day.  And at the very moment that Joseph and Mary brought the infant Jesus to the temple on the eighth day, Anna recognized who He was.  Her spiritual eyes were sharp because of her devotion and sacrifices before God.  Her heart was waiting for the Lord's promises to be fulfilled.

Each one of these women had special characteristics that brought the favor of God upon them: they were devout in heart, righteous by observance of the Law (Word) and they were women of faith (obedient) .    Faith is not mental ascent to a set of rules or hoping that something will happen.  Faith is believing which is obeying.  There is no faith without obedience.  This is what the book of Hebrews instructs, that it is impossible to please God without faith.  The entire chapter 11 lists the Hall of Fame of Faith.  Everyone obeyed God who was considered a great man or woman of God.
We could live a blessed life with faith.  Our hearts would be at peace and our eternity secure.   But something changed the lives of these women and others in the history of God's dealing with mankind.   God's greater plan had to be fulfilled and He chooses to use those whose hearts are right in His sight.  He didn't use the strongest or the richest or the most influential.  He used an uneducated adolescent virgin, a barren elderly woman and a widow , and they were women, which speaks loudly that God places a high value on the place of a woman in His Kingdom plans.  As the seasons of time unfold, everyday drawing us closer to the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God and His restoration of complete authority over the earth, He seeks out those whose hearts are loyal to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9) to show Himself mighty!   These loyal women now received a supernatural visitation from Almighty God.  He puts His Spirit on them and in them and allows them the privilege of being part of the plan.  They now know Him in a new experience - through the miraculous.  No longer do they rely on the writings of their forefathers.  They now KNOW that God is mighty on behalf of His people.  He is not finished performing His Word. 
This is what we must come to know today as well.  God is not finished yet.  The pages of the Book are still being fulfilled.  God is the same.  He does not change so raise up your expectation and seek Him for more than merely surviving or attaining just the material blessings of this world.  He will perform His Word in every loyal heart He can find.  He is seeking for the seeker.  We must be women of faith and that faith brings visitation which brings miracles.   Jesus' return to rule the earth is closer than ever.  And He asked a question, "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?" (Luke 18:1-8)  What will your answer to this question be?  Rise to the challenge and say "Yes, Lord!"  Do this knowing that the Lord is working His power through your willingness and not through your strength! 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Getting Dressed - The Emperor's New Clothes (What are We Really Wearing?)

I had not read this short story, The Emperor's New Clothes, by Hans Christian Andersen in many years, but its title popped into my head when thinking about future lessons and all the avenues that can be approached on the subject of Getting Dressed.   Reading it again did affirm that the thought was no coincidence. To summarize, this emperor loved nothing in the world more than dressing up and showing off.  One day 2 men arrived in the city with a convincing story about their abilities to weave the finest cloth of a material that was invisible to those who were unfit for their office or very stupid.   The emperor heard of these men and their wonderful fabric and commissioned them to make him a new suit of clothes so he could marvel at himself and obtain such knowledge about those around him.  He gave large sums of money to produce this cloth, which these men, of course, kept for themselves and produced nothing.  No one who was sent to check up on the progress of this work told the actual truth, that they saw nothing, because they feared being considered stupid or unfit for their office.  So everyone lied to the emperor, proclaiming how wonderful and beautiful the fabric was.  The day for the street procession came and the emperor, who also saw nothing but dare not admit this to anyone, "suited up" and began to walk through the streets.  Everyone in the street declared how wonderful the emperor's new suit of clothes was even though they saw nothing, until a little child finally spoke the truth that the emperor was naked! Those watching also began to exclaim the same and the emperor realized that it was true and continued the procession admitting nothing but knowing he had been swindled and humiliated.

So what's the moral of this story?  I believe it speaks to issues of pride and vanity.  Perhaps this is obvious on the part of the emperor but it's also true of those around him who feared speaking the truth to him or be considered stupid or unfit.  How many times in life do we do the same thing - keep up appearances and avoid truth.  Many times we convince ourselves that our behavior is acceptable. Do we really know when pride is operating in our lives?  Are we training ourselves to recognize and reject it?

The scripture tell us that knowledge puffs up.   Pride is the original sin that says I am equal to God and His knowledge. Pride says I am entitled to feel the way I do when someone hurts me; Pride says I can say what I want to say to anyone because it's the truth; Pride says that my way is the best way and maybe even the only way.  Pride always asserts the individuals rights and always has a defense of self.  Pride always takes credit and looks for the affirmation of people. Pride does not take correction well or at all. 

Another question comes to mind.  Why would someone believe these strangers?  They appear on the scene, make unusual claims about their abilities and everyone believes them.  Reading this, it seems that it couldn't happen to me or you but in actuality it happens to us more than we'd care to admit.  This story mirrors our daily lives in so many ways.  We go through our days thinking we are fully clothed but in actuality we are naked.   When we live beneath the promises of God, always struggling with sin, never walking with a new heart and mind, then we are naked!  Satan weaves lies everyday, making something appear true.  For example, when we have pains or sickness in our bodies, our first thoughts usually are to go to the doctor and get it checked out and accept his diagnosis and remedy.  Sickness is a product of the fall of man and Jesus restored us to God even in our physical bodies yet we usually believe what we feel before we believe the promise of God for healing, deliverance and miracles.  I have begun to challenge these feelings in my own life.  I have seen God heal my body when I ask him to do so first!  (I am not discouraging anyone from going to the doctor but I am invoking the work of the cross of Jesus Christ and the Word of God as the greater authority over my body.) There is enough evidence in the Word of God for the miraculous to operate when we expect God to do the impossible.  His commission to us is to preach, heal and deliver people.  But the miraculous has been weakened by the influence of a liar!

When we allow ourselves to believe Satan's lies we are as naked as the emperor!  Nakedness spiritually is allowing sin to rule over your life.  Christians are instructed to examine ourselves against God's Word (2 Corinthians 13:5) and to make the necessary adjustments to conform our lives to the will of the Father.  Our response to sin should be shame but we live in a society that is redefining truth.  Shame of sin should provoke us to repentence but the liar's voice is saying that there is no sin or offense in lust, greed, promiscuity, homosexuality, witchcraft, coveteousness, anger, lying, foul language, course joking  and the like.  When we justify our behavior we are weaving an invisible garment, all the while believing we are fully dressed.  Ask yourself this question:  Have I used the Word of God only to get a word of encouragement or an answer to a personal petition or have I allowed the Word to bring correction into my life.  The only way we know what pleases God is in His Word.  Our opinion means nothing. The opinion of others means nothing.  God speaks for HIMSELF!  Everyone must look into God's Word and correct themselves according to it or else walk around naked! 

The emperor paid lots of money to obtain something that did not cover him.  How much have you and I paid into this world that produces nothing for our spiritual growth?   We have been buying from the wrong source!  Jesus said, "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire so you can become rich; and  white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.  Those whom I love, rebuke and discipline.  So be earnest and repent."  (Rev. 3:18-19)

What is this white garment we are to wear but Christ Himself!  The very work of the cross must be put on! We cannot cover ourselves.  We never could!  When Adam and Eve sinned, the fig leaves couldn't cover the shame of nakedness that was upon them so God covered them with the skins of animals.  That covering was a foreshadowing of the the Cross.  God in Christ shed His blood for the sins of mankind. He alone can cover nakedness.   The list of clear instructions of what is pleasing to God is right there under our noses, ready to give us life and health.  Can you see it?  If not, put the salve of humility and repentence on your eyes and your vision will come into focus!  Little children, with simple faith can see clearly.  Jesus made a strong point about children and their level of faith.  We must become like a child!

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, December 8 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. for a Christmas party and brief seasonal message on our theme of Getting Dressed.  Those who are planning to attend should bring a grab bag gift for exchange valued not more than $20.00 and also a tray of hors d'oeuvres of any kind.  We will have a smorgasbord of finger foods!  We welcome first timers to this holiday get together.  Please email me at nancy@gatewaycitychurch.net to let me know that you will be coming.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Getting Dressed - Exchanging the Yoke for a Garland


The Garland - a wreath of flowers, leaves, feathers or sometimes precious stones, worn for ornament or as an honor; the crown of a king.  Quite a different picture than the heavy burden of a yoke around your neck!  Let's compare:  Yoke - heavy, burden, slavery or Garland - light, beautiful, victory and freedom.

Jesus said, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  (Matthew 11:28-30)  Clearly, Jesus' own words provide the pathway of exchanging the yoke of slavery for a garland of victory.  It's not as mysterious or difficult as we have made it.  It's a choice.  Most of life is a choice.  We are confronted daily by choices and for the most part it's our choices that yoke us.  Thoughts, words and actions become choices.  The factors that shape these choices are really the central issue of the Christian life.  Who do you serve?  If we serve Christ then our lives must reflect His victory against sin, death, and the devil.  If we do the things that Christ did and have the mind of Christ then we are overcomers.  This, of course, is the struggle of the flesh.  The things I want to do I don't do and the things I don't want to do I do!  How do we get off this merry-go-round and wear the garland of grace?

Let's break the exchange down from the words of Jesus:  Come.  Take.  Learn.  We begin by surrender.  We come to Jesus when we come to the end of ourselves.  We empty our lives by confession and repentence.  Then we are able to take His yoke.  A yoke becomes a good thing when it's Jesus to whom we are yoked.  He leads and we follow and He says that His yoke is easy and light because He is the one who bears the burden.  Knowing who Jesus is, is vastly different than being yoked to Him!  When we are yoked to Him then we learn from Him.  This then is the wisdom spoken of in Proverbs that a garland of grace, peace and rest for our souls is placed upon us. 

Simply stated but not so simple in the real world.   Once again we go back to the choices that confront us.  Without the knowledge of God's word we will always fail to make right choices.  His word is the lamp.  His word is the light. His word is God himself revealed to us.  Obedience is the pathway to His presence. 

I cited an article that appeared in the Sunday Daily News on October 3, 2010 entitled The Unbelievable Truth: Why America Has Become a Nation of Religious No-nothings. The survey was unsettling and completely believable when you look at the condition of the world and decisions over the last 40 years that have contributed to our condition.  God's Word has been left out of our society, as it has been left out of many Christian denominations.  Without the knowledge of His Word and obedience through faith, we cannot please Him.  Creation, Heaven, Hell, Sin, Redemption through Christ's blood, Deliverance, Healing - all these things are lost to us without God's Word. 

The process of exchanging the yoke for a garland is daily trusting in God through consumption of His word.  Choosing to obey the words that you consume is the power behind that exchange.  Worship is much more than the songs we sing or services we go to.  It is the decision of the heart to pursue God.  It is the decision of the mind to obey Him.   Where do we find Him?  In His Word!

We closed with this verse:  "Do not conform [yoke yourself] any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is --His good, pleasing and perfect will."  (Romans 12:2)

NEXT MEETING:  Thursday, November 11 at 7:30 p.m.  Email me for more information:  nancy@gatewaycitychurch.net

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Getting Dressed - Are You Wearing a Yoke or a Garland?

A month goes by quickly and there we were, meeting in my first floor living room on Thursday, October 7 once again.   I greeted everyone at the door wearing an artificial Hawaiian lei which became part of the lesson.  (I tried to rig up a yoke using a plank and paint cans to greet people with but that got too complicated, so I stuck with the lei.  It was prettier and lighter, which is really the point of the lesson, anyway!) 

I believe in knowing the definitions of the words we may read in the Bible.  Rather than reading for the sake of saying, "I read my Bible today,"  as if that is the essence of our relationship with the Lord, knowing what you read is more important, even if it's one sentence.  Reading is only part of the journey; Understanding what you read is essential to life application!  So I looked up the meanings of "yoke" and "garland."

A yoke is a device for joining together a pair of draft animals, especially oxen (just saw some crossing the street here in Brooklyn!!!), usually consisting of a crosspiece with two bow-shaped pieces, each enclosing the head of an animal (very important point).  It's also defined as an agency of oppression, subjection of servitude or slavery; to bring into subjection or servitude.  Another picture comes to mind of the stocks that criminals were kept in the colonial days in the public square. 

So far these definitions don't really hit us in a personal place, especially that we are not in colonial times nor are we in a rural setting but this word "yoke" is found many times in the Bible (over 60 in the NIV) and requires understanding as it applies to each of our lives.  Clearly, a yoke is bondage to something or someone.  The Bible speaks of a "yoke of slavery" that was on the children of Israel to the Eygptians (Exodus 6:6; Leviticus  26:13).  That seems easy enough to understand but what about when the yoke is not about servitude of one people  group over another?  The Lord also calls it a yoke of oppression when we point fingers and speak maliciously (Isaiah 58:8-10).  Now, that changes the way we must see ourselves.  We are not always the victim of circumstances but the very cause of the yoke we may be wearing!!

We, then, discussed some of the "yokes" in which we may be dealing right now in our lives.  At first, we talked about the pressures of family, relationships, finances and how we deal with them.  The worries and cares of this world have become yokes.  We are consumed with the very things that Jesus said to release into His trust (Matthew 6:25-34), food, clothing and the general daily provisions of life.  We have "yoked" ourselves to worry, fear and anxiety if these are our responses to our circumstances.  Relationally, we "yoke" ourselves to the wrong friends and "significant others," so that we defile marriage and it's original intent or go places and do things we know are not right but just can't seem to take a stand.  We "yoke" ourselves to greed and envy when we must have more things or that which someone else has.  We "yoke" ourselves to offense when we refuse to forgive someone who has hurt us. We "yoke" ourselves to unbelief when we do the opposite of what God's Word says we can and should do.  This discussion was very sobering when we turned the laser beam of the Word of God on ourselves!!! 

In continuing to understand how the literal yoke operates, I asked the group, "Who decides the direction when a yoke is in use?"  The obvious answer was the master driving the team, but not the ones wearing the yoke.  The yoke holds the head in a locked position and prevents an independent movement from the team.  Again, us city folk may not get the analogy but here it is:  Someone else is driving us when we are yoked to the things mentioned above, and it isn't the Lord!

We give up our freedom of choice when we are yoked in any circumstance.  And yet, wasn't it a choice that put the yoke upon us in the first place?  Mmmm.  Something to think about...

Next installment:  How do I take off this Yoke and put on the Garland?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Getting Dressed - How Do I Look?

All agreed that how a person dresses, whether good or badly, brings certain judgments to mind.  If we see a well-dressed person, we immediately think that he's got his life in order and is successful and doesn't need anything.  Likewise, the opposite is true if the person is poorly dressed or appears homeless and dirty.   The well dressed person may be in as much need as the poorest person.  The poor person is usually ignored and shunned.  We all form some kind of opinion about a person by their appearance, whether good or bad. 

So it is a fair assumption that the externals matter to some degree because it is the first thing that the world sees.  You may get or lose a job opportunity because of the way you dress.  Your clothing tell others whether you are approachable or not.  And yet we also agreed that the inner person may not be properly portrayed by the outer garments.

So the next question was posed, "How as Christians are we to be clothed?"  The scriptures tell us to "clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." This is now the importance of living and being a Christian.  The externals must reflect the internal experience of having received Christ as Savior and Lord and all that it means to have had this experience.  That inner work of the Holy Spirit must now be put on display to allow the beauty of Christ to shine.  The attractiveness of the attributes that conforms us to the image of Christ becomes the magnet for the world to desire to know Him. 

We make decisions daily about how we will dress and look.  As Christians we spend too little time making the same decision of how each day we will let the inner work become the outer garments.  Somehow we think that it is supposed to happen without any effort on our part.  The effort is in the decision.  I decide that I WILL PUT ON CHRIST.  In other words, "What are you wearing today that let's people know you belong to the Lord?"  That was the next questions posed to the group and some very candid answers were shared.  Some spoke of always wearing the garments of anger, offense and frustration in dealing with the circumstances of life.  Some seem always seem to wear the garments of sorrow.  Fear was also a popular garment.  All agreed that none of these reflect the victory and joy that we are supposed to live in because of the cross and the resurrection.  It's as if we are back in the Garden of Eden hiding from the Lord in naked shame, trying to cover ourselves with useless leaves.  Yet, God in His mercy fashioned the suitable covering for the shame of sin as a picture and a sign of the redemption He prepared in Christ.  We cover ourselves with excuses for our behavior but today, I challenged the young women to make a different choice.   Knowing that we've chosen incorrectly in many and most areas of our lives, what must be done to change this?

The first step to getting dressed in brand new clothes is "getting washed up."  Who would put new clothing on themselves with a dirty body.  As we prepare our physical bodies to look their best in the new clothes we wear, so we must also prepare ourselves to wear spiritual garments by first washing ourselves as Jesus explained to His disciples at that last Passover supper. He said that they were not in need of a complete bath but just a foot washing.  Our feet walk in a world filled with compromise, immorality and political correctness that offends the Truth.  We are affected by the world in which we live and the key to recognize, this affect and cleanse our hearts daily in His Word.  It is is His Word that washes our feet from the unclean places in which we must walk daily.  Jesus said to do this for one another and He meant not merely to do the symbolic foot washing ceremony that many churches do, but that we become responsible for one another, to help each to walk rightly before the Lord.  This is only possible with the knowledge of  His Word digested into our lives or else how would we know what pleases or displeases the Lord?  (I gave a hand out of scripture references for personal study and reflection, some of which are listed on this blog.)

I posed a challenge to all to deliberately take note of the responses we would normally give in difficult situations, whether on the job or anywhere in dealing with people.  Start the day with a personal declaration of victory that might sound something like, "Today, it is my choice and decision to dress in peace and love toward all my co-workers, no matter who irritates me.  I choose that which pleases the Lord."  The more we make these deliberate decisions, the more natural they become because what we are actually doing is renewing the mind and conforming the flesh to the Word of God.  We die to self so He lives in us and through us.  He increases and we decrease.  These are not cliche's but realities of the Christian walk. 

In conclusion, our "homework" was to ask ourselves each day, maybe each moment of the day, "What am I wearing?" and decide to put on the clothing that reflects what Christ has done in each of our lives.  We may discover that we mentally assent to Christ as Savior but not as the Lord over us and this, too, is part of the journey...letting Christ be Lord!

NEXT GET TOGETHER:  Thursday, October 7, 7:30 p.m. TOPIC:  Are You Wearing a Yoke or a Garland?  E-mail me if you need my address.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Getting Dressed - Learning How to Listen and Hear

I was so excited to have the 14 women attend our first meeting on Thursday, September 9, for this new season.  Our time began with coffee, cake and other goodies.  When we settled into the meeting portion, I began by presenting the definition of the word mentor/mentoring:  1.  a wise, trusted counselor or teacher; an influential senior sponsor or supporter.  Mentoring is the act of giving or receiving the counsel or support.  My commitment to this group is to impart the counsel that has shaped my life and it is the responsibility of those hearing this counsel to receive and hopefully benefit and allow growth in their lives.  For the next 12 months, we will journey through the lessons of putting on the attributes of Christ and removing the things that hinder us from progressing and finding that peace and strength in our lives that overcomes every storm. 

2 scriptures come to mind that speak of mentoring younger ones:  1 Corinthians 4:15-16 - Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. Therefore I urge you to imitate me; and Hebrews 13:7 - Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.  Leaders are to live a life that others may look up to and draw guidance from and while I have not lived a perfect life, it has been a consistent walk of faith through developing a relationship with Jesus and His Holy Spirit. 

It is very important to note that all counsel and mentoring must be grounded in the Word of God but more importantly is that each of us must grow to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit.   Jesus said that when He left this earth, He would send the Counselor and Comforter.  The more we pursue the Lord, the more we will develop an ear to hear and understand the Holy Spirit at work in us.  While I am all for counseling and assisting one another in all matters of life, we must come to the place that we are able to receive counsel directly from the Holy Spirit and know what God is saying to us.  This only comes with time in His Word and at His  feet in prayer.  Sorry no shortcuts.  Most times, we go to people to solve our problems because we want answers quickly.  These shortcuts don't teach us how to hear God for ourselves and how to persevere through trials that can be longer than we expect.  The Holy Spirit must be the Senior Mentor in our lives.  When I say things like, "The Lord spoke to me," or "I heard the Lord say," I am most times referring to that inner sense of His Spirit directly me in a way that I know is not of myself.  The more you seek, the more you find and the more familiar the sound of His voice becomes.

I had asked each one to bring an article of clothing or jewelry, something that was special to them or that reflected their personalities.  It was funny to see that most of the ladies brought a piece of jewelry.  GIRLS LOVE JEWELRY!  Each piece held a very touching memory for the ladies.  They spoke of family and love and things in life that really matter.  Not one piece of jewelry represented anything vain or greedy.  We shed some tears at the telling of why those earrings or rings were special.

There was a little comic relief as one gal, explained that her worn slacks and casual dress were a symbol of her freedom from the bondage she felt when she had to dress a certain way for her job in order to earn better tips (and all the unwanted attention that came to her).  As Christ worked His peace and acceptance into her heart, she no longer felt the need to dress for anyone but herself and she is now comfortable in her very casual style.  The humor in her delivery really brought a wonderful balance to all the stories.  We are all women of faith with real lives that have drama and lots of comedy in them!

After all these stories were told, I asked the question, "What does clothing tell us about a person?"

(...to be continued very soon!!!  This weekend, Sunday, October 3 is the Third Avenue Festival in Bay Ridge from 12 - 6 p.m., and we at Gateway have a huge presentation that we have now done for 21 consecutive years!  If you are in the area, please come out and see us. Our bandstand will be located at 72nd Street and 3rd Avenue with lots of music, skits, children's activities, giveaways and more!!!)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Beginning of the Journey - Let's Get Dressed

Here's a little background as to how this blog began.   I'm a women of a "certain age" now (old enough to join AARP!!!) and with alot to look back upon and many valuable life lessons that have shaped me into the person I am and am becoming.  I am a wife of 34 years and a mother to 4 now adult children.  I have been a committed Christian for 37 years and am currently the Minister of Music of Gateway City Church in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY, having served in this capacity for 14 years.  So I arrive at this "certain age" as many do, thinking about the future and the word "retirement" is nowhere in sight.  I have come to believe that I am finally at the threshold of what God really wants to do in my life and through my life.  The mission of Gateway City Church is to see NYC transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we are commited to the many diverse ways that this transformation will occur.   Age now serves as wisdom to those we are raising up to walk along side of this mission and so I approached my pastors Roger and Teresa McPhail about assuming the leadership of the Young Women's Fellowship that was started last year at Gateway.  They gladly passed the baton to me and so I have begun to prepare lessons that will strengthen the steps of those who will attend this fellowship...young women 18 to 40s.

About the title "Getting Dressed"...
A few months ago I was reminded by the Holy Spirit (if you who are reading this are not familiar with the power and work of the Holy Spirit, I will explain this a little later in this blog) of a funny (not so at the time!) story that happened when I was the mother of only one child.  As mother's all know, especially working mothers, there are many adjustments to be made to keep on schedule.  At that time, I was leading worship in our church in Staten Island and living in Brooklyn and having a great deal of difficulty being early to church.  I would just get there in time to throw the song list at everyone and begin singing.  (This was before the days of Worship Team Rehearsals where the band would receive charts and arrangements and the singers would work on harmonies and actually know what the song service would be before Sunday.)  My pastor at the time nicely scolded me for the mad dash to the platform each Sunday and insisted that I be early from now on.  The following Sunday, I made some adjustments to my Sunday morning schedule, got my 19-month old baby daughter up early, dressed, breakfast eaten, and coats and hats on (it was winter) and now ready for the 20 minute ride to Staten Island, to be 10 minutes EARLY!!!  I turned to collect my pocketbook and diaper bag which took all of 3 minutes and then turned to get my daughter moving down the stairs when there she stood, completely stripped down to her diaper, no socks, no shoes...NOTHING.  She then announced to me in a defiantly convinced tone, in the perfect diction of a 40 YEAR OLD..."I'm not going."  I almost fainted and then screamed, "We're going to be late again and I'm going to be in so much trouble..."  Now, those of you who know what it's like to dress little girls, know it's no small task.  Pretty much boys only require pants, shirt, socks and shoes and they are good to go.  Not so with little girls.  The details from the tights, socks, buckles on shoes, hair bows and accessories make getting dressed an ordeal every day.  So I reassembled my daughter's out fit and blew out the door to be exactly on time (late) as every other week.  When my pastor began to voice his disapproval, I burst into tears and told him the morning's events, which he found very amusing.  (After that I was never late again, by the way!!!) 

Fast forward to the present day and something was going on in my life which was causing distress (which now for the life of me I can't remember what it was!) and the Holy Spirit reminds me of this event when my daughter removed all of her clothes, and as clear as a bell I hear these words in my heart, "I keep trying to dress you and you keep undressing."  "Oh my God," I thought.  "What a willful child I am!!  You've been putting things on me to teach me and move me to my next level of faith and growth, and I keep resisting you!"   At that moment, I understood in a new way how to gain victories in my life that had been seemingly so difficult in the past.  I immediately repented of my stubborn willfulness and allowed my mind to recognize God's work in that area of resistance.  Many times we forget He's at work doing a new thing!   Our responses to circumstances only reflect our emotional reactions when we have been given the "mind of Christ." Right then, I knew what I must teach the younger ones and so the journey begins to let the Lord dress us for success!

Check back to this blog  tomorrow for continuation of our first meeting.  There were some really significant moments. I don't want to overload you on this first reading.  Also, mark your calendars for the next meeting of Gateway's Young Women's Mentoring Fellowship on Thursday, October 7, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.  You can email me at nancy@gatewaycitychurch.net to let me know that you are interested in attending and I will be in touch with further information.  Many blessings to you!
