Since this is a young women's fellowship, I thought is appropriate to take a look at the women who took part in the events of the birth of Christ. There were 3 women: Mary, the chosen mother of Jesus, Elizabeth, her older cousin and mother of John the Baptist and Anna, a widow who spent her life serving in the temple.
Let's look at each of these women in the chronology of the biblical text. Elizabeth was a devout woman, wife of the priest, Zechariah, now advanced in years and childless. Culturally in those days, barrenness was a reproach and it meant that God may be judging you. However, both Elizabeth and Zechariah were righteous in God's eyes and the Lord was using these circumstances to do something wonderful in their lives. How many times do we see negative circumstances in our lives and feel a reproach rather than pray for God to do something miraculous? So the angel of the Lord visits Zechariah while he is serving in the temple. The angel tells him that Elizabeth will have a son and he doesn't believe him so his powers of speech are taken from him. Elizabeth does become pregnant. Her reproach is gone and she glorifies God. Obediently, she names the child John. Zechariah , now humbled, signals his agreement and he regains his speech and now glorifies God in a beautiful prophetic song.
While Elizabeth was in her six month, her cousin, a young girl of about 15 years old, Mary, also receives a visitation from the angel Gabriel. She is chosen to be the mother of the Messiah. She asks questions about how this could be but her questions were not like Zechariah's. Zechariah didn't believe the words of the angel, while Mary did. (I want to also venture an opinion here. Zechariah was a priest, a religious leader and rabbi. His knowledge should have led him to the miraculous that is revealed in the scriptures but it didn't. He reasoned only in the natural not the supernatural and he should have known better. God struck him dumb because of a religious spirit that needed to be reproved. Mary, on the other hand was a young, uneducated girl and her question was viewed as innocent, since she was chosen because of her devout heart before the Lord. Her response proved out her heart: Be it unto to me accordingly to your Word!)
When Mary and Elizabeth met each other, they gave glory to God for what was happening to both of them. The contrast of circumstances is interesting to me. Elizabeth was married and barren and now everyone rejoices with her for the impending birth of her baby, which is a miracle. Mary, on the other hand, is betrothed but still a virgin and her future husband knows he is not the father of her child and so her life must have been filled with ridicule and innuendo and filled with reproach from her community. No one understood the scripture in Isaiah and so the rejection of the Messiah by his own people begins with Mary's condition. Only a very few people see the supernatural hand of God in this event. Elizabeth declares that she and Mary are blessed for believing the Lord's promises and then Mary declares a prophetic song and speaks into the generations of the glory of the Messiah. The power of the Holy Spirit comes upon this simple, uneducated vessel of honor and elevates her understanding into the future generations!!
There's one more woman I want to look at as significant to circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus. That's Anna. Only 4 sentences were recorded about Anna in the entire New Testament. She spent her entire widowhood of over 60 years, serving in the temple and worshipping and praying and fasting night and day. And at the very moment that Joseph and Mary brought the infant Jesus to the temple on the eighth day, Anna recognized who He was. Her spiritual eyes were sharp because of her devotion and sacrifices before God. Her heart was waiting for the Lord's promises to be fulfilled.
Each one of these women had special characteristics that brought the favor of God upon them: they were devout in heart, righteous by observance of the Law (Word) and they were women of faith (obedient) . Faith is not mental ascent to a set of rules or hoping that something will happen. Faith is believing which is obeying. There is no faith without obedience. This is what the book of Hebrews instructs, that it is impossible to please God without faith. The entire chapter 11 lists the Hall of Fame of Faith. Everyone obeyed God who was considered a great man or woman of God.
We could live a blessed life with faith. Our hearts would be at peace and our eternity secure. But something changed the lives of these women and others in the history of God's dealing with mankind. God's greater plan had to be fulfilled and He chooses to use those whose hearts are right in His sight. He didn't use the strongest or the richest or the most influential. He used an uneducated adolescent virgin, a barren elderly woman and a widow , and they were women, which speaks loudly that God places a high value on the place of a woman in His Kingdom plans. As the seasons of time unfold, everyday drawing us closer to the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God and His restoration of complete authority over the earth, He seeks out those whose hearts are loyal to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9) to show Himself mighty! These loyal women now received a supernatural visitation from Almighty God. He puts His Spirit on them and in them and allows them the privilege of being part of the plan. They now know Him in a new experience - through the miraculous. No longer do they rely on the writings of their forefathers. They now KNOW that God is mighty on behalf of His people. He is not finished performing His Word.
This is what we must come to know today as well. God is not finished yet. The pages of the Book are still being fulfilled. God is the same. He does not change so raise up your expectation and seek Him for more than merely surviving or attaining just the material blessings of this world. He will perform His Word in every loyal heart He can find. He is seeking for the seeker. We must be women of faith and that faith brings visitation which brings miracles. Jesus' return to rule the earth is closer than ever. And He asked a question, "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?" (Luke 18:1-8) What will your answer to this question be? Rise to the challenge and say "Yes, Lord!" Do this knowing that the Lord is working His power through your willingness and not through your strength!