Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Getting Dressed - The Emperor's New Clothes (What are We Really Wearing?)

I had not read this short story, The Emperor's New Clothes, by Hans Christian Andersen in many years, but its title popped into my head when thinking about future lessons and all the avenues that can be approached on the subject of Getting Dressed.   Reading it again did affirm that the thought was no coincidence. To summarize, this emperor loved nothing in the world more than dressing up and showing off.  One day 2 men arrived in the city with a convincing story about their abilities to weave the finest cloth of a material that was invisible to those who were unfit for their office or very stupid.   The emperor heard of these men and their wonderful fabric and commissioned them to make him a new suit of clothes so he could marvel at himself and obtain such knowledge about those around him.  He gave large sums of money to produce this cloth, which these men, of course, kept for themselves and produced nothing.  No one who was sent to check up on the progress of this work told the actual truth, that they saw nothing, because they feared being considered stupid or unfit for their office.  So everyone lied to the emperor, proclaiming how wonderful and beautiful the fabric was.  The day for the street procession came and the emperor, who also saw nothing but dare not admit this to anyone, "suited up" and began to walk through the streets.  Everyone in the street declared how wonderful the emperor's new suit of clothes was even though they saw nothing, until a little child finally spoke the truth that the emperor was naked! Those watching also began to exclaim the same and the emperor realized that it was true and continued the procession admitting nothing but knowing he had been swindled and humiliated.

So what's the moral of this story?  I believe it speaks to issues of pride and vanity.  Perhaps this is obvious on the part of the emperor but it's also true of those around him who feared speaking the truth to him or be considered stupid or unfit.  How many times in life do we do the same thing - keep up appearances and avoid truth.  Many times we convince ourselves that our behavior is acceptable. Do we really know when pride is operating in our lives?  Are we training ourselves to recognize and reject it?

The scripture tell us that knowledge puffs up.   Pride is the original sin that says I am equal to God and His knowledge. Pride says I am entitled to feel the way I do when someone hurts me; Pride says I can say what I want to say to anyone because it's the truth; Pride says that my way is the best way and maybe even the only way.  Pride always asserts the individuals rights and always has a defense of self.  Pride always takes credit and looks for the affirmation of people. Pride does not take correction well or at all. 

Another question comes to mind.  Why would someone believe these strangers?  They appear on the scene, make unusual claims about their abilities and everyone believes them.  Reading this, it seems that it couldn't happen to me or you but in actuality it happens to us more than we'd care to admit.  This story mirrors our daily lives in so many ways.  We go through our days thinking we are fully clothed but in actuality we are naked.   When we live beneath the promises of God, always struggling with sin, never walking with a new heart and mind, then we are naked!  Satan weaves lies everyday, making something appear true.  For example, when we have pains or sickness in our bodies, our first thoughts usually are to go to the doctor and get it checked out and accept his diagnosis and remedy.  Sickness is a product of the fall of man and Jesus restored us to God even in our physical bodies yet we usually believe what we feel before we believe the promise of God for healing, deliverance and miracles.  I have begun to challenge these feelings in my own life.  I have seen God heal my body when I ask him to do so first!  (I am not discouraging anyone from going to the doctor but I am invoking the work of the cross of Jesus Christ and the Word of God as the greater authority over my body.) There is enough evidence in the Word of God for the miraculous to operate when we expect God to do the impossible.  His commission to us is to preach, heal and deliver people.  But the miraculous has been weakened by the influence of a liar!

When we allow ourselves to believe Satan's lies we are as naked as the emperor!  Nakedness spiritually is allowing sin to rule over your life.  Christians are instructed to examine ourselves against God's Word (2 Corinthians 13:5) and to make the necessary adjustments to conform our lives to the will of the Father.  Our response to sin should be shame but we live in a society that is redefining truth.  Shame of sin should provoke us to repentence but the liar's voice is saying that there is no sin or offense in lust, greed, promiscuity, homosexuality, witchcraft, coveteousness, anger, lying, foul language, course joking  and the like.  When we justify our behavior we are weaving an invisible garment, all the while believing we are fully dressed.  Ask yourself this question:  Have I used the Word of God only to get a word of encouragement or an answer to a personal petition or have I allowed the Word to bring correction into my life.  The only way we know what pleases God is in His Word.  Our opinion means nothing. The opinion of others means nothing.  God speaks for HIMSELF!  Everyone must look into God's Word and correct themselves according to it or else walk around naked! 

The emperor paid lots of money to obtain something that did not cover him.  How much have you and I paid into this world that produces nothing for our spiritual growth?   We have been buying from the wrong source!  Jesus said, "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire so you can become rich; and  white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.  Those whom I love, rebuke and discipline.  So be earnest and repent."  (Rev. 3:18-19)

What is this white garment we are to wear but Christ Himself!  The very work of the cross must be put on! We cannot cover ourselves.  We never could!  When Adam and Eve sinned, the fig leaves couldn't cover the shame of nakedness that was upon them so God covered them with the skins of animals.  That covering was a foreshadowing of the the Cross.  God in Christ shed His blood for the sins of mankind. He alone can cover nakedness.   The list of clear instructions of what is pleasing to God is right there under our noses, ready to give us life and health.  Can you see it?  If not, put the salve of humility and repentence on your eyes and your vision will come into focus!  Little children, with simple faith can see clearly.  Jesus made a strong point about children and their level of faith.  We must become like a child!

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, December 8 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. for a Christmas party and brief seasonal message on our theme of Getting Dressed.  Those who are planning to attend should bring a grab bag gift for exchange valued not more than $20.00 and also a tray of hors d'oeuvres of any kind.  We will have a smorgasbord of finger foods!  We welcome first timers to this holiday get together.  Please email me at nancy@gatewaycitychurch.net to let me know that you will be coming.